Today, Pope Francis, son of the Second Vatican Council, invites us to journey and deepen the path of synodality so that the whole People of God may be the subject of the Church’s mission. To this end, he proposes that we “activate in synodal synergy the ministries and charisms present in the Church in order to discern, in an attitude of listening to the voice of the Spirit, the paths of evangelization” (International Theological Commission, Synodality in the Life and Mission of the Church, 53). This proposal is situated within the framework of a change in the ecclesial model that must be translated into an experience and practice of synodality that generates a new way of understanding and exercising leadership in the Church. One of the great challenges today is how to discern ministeriality in a synodal key, with its implications in relation to the exercise of power, the shaping of structures and the experience of dynamics that contribute to live one’s own vocations in the light of synodal practices, such as listening and consensus building. Therefore, during this week we want to offer some practical elements and examples of how to live synodality within an ecclesial community. At the end of the week, we will share experiences that are being carried out in different continents. We will also share the richness of the method of spiritual conversation that favors a community spiritual dynamic in order to generate processes of listening, dialogue, discernment and consensus building in parishes, assemblies and any ecclesial body where decisions are made and the fruits of the decisions taken are accounted for (accountability).

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