Über uns
Gedeihen, Verwandeln, Dienen
Die Boston College School of Theology and Ministry ist ein Weltklasse-Zentrum für theologische Studien, in dem die Studenten mit Hilfe von hervorragenden Dozenten und einer vielfältigen, aufmerksamen Gemeinschaft gedeihen.
Unser Engagement für das jesuitische, katholische Ideal der cura personalis – die Sorge um den ganzen Menschen – zeichnet unsere acht Graduiertenstudiengänge sowie zahlreiche Zertifikate und Non-Degree-Programme aus. Durch Lehrpläne, persönliche Interaktionen, tägliche Liturgien, Exerzitien und andere Ausbildungserfahrungen fördern wir das intellektuelle, spirituelle, berufliche und soziale Wachstum der Studierenden.
Professoren, Seelsorger und Mentoren des STM helfen den Studenten, sich zu Führungskräften zu entwickeln, die den katholischen und christlichen Gemeinschaften durch Karrieren innerhalb der Kirche und darüber hinaus dienen.
Dean’s Message
What is distinctive about the Boston College School of Theology and Ministry? I am frequently asked this question, all the more as we begin a yearlong celebration of the tenth anniversary of the school’s founding.
Two distinctive features are community and formation. The sense of community and welcome at STM is palpable. Liturgy, worship, and weekly repasts are essential parts of the school’s rhythm of life.
I am proud that STM’s students come not only from all across the country but also from the four corners of the world. In the classroom, our diversity invites and challenges us to be a community of learners.
STM takes formation – intellectual, spiritual, pastoral, and personal – very seriously. Such formation is not an end in itself, however. Indeed, the study of theology is ultimately about transformation. We want our graduates to be leaders and agents of transformation in the Church and in the world.
Our faculty is another distinctive feature of STM. I am proud that our faculty is recognized for its excellence in research, publications, and teaching. What makes them stand out is their commitment to teach and research as an expression of ministry, with an eye towards pastoral contexts and service to the Church. I never tire of telling our students that good theology is a sine qua non for effective ministry.
Spirituality – especially Ignatian spirituality – undergirds and animates the way we teach and do theology at STM. At the heart of this spirituality is discernment, the cultivation of openness of mind and heart to find God in all things and to seek God’s will.
Thank you for your interest in STM. Please let our Admissions Office know if you are interested in visiting or learning more about us. We look forward to meeting and welcoming you!

Thomas D. Stegman, S.J.
Has led STM since July 2016.